GIVE LIFE was formed in Japan in December 2006. They made their first Demo with only one song in summer 2007 and they started touring, after that they made another demo consisting of 5 songs. After that, they carry on playing shows, touring and supported many bands such as HAVE HEART, SHIPWRECK A.D, OUTBREAK, DOWN TO NOTHING, SINKING SHIPS, MILES AWAY on their Japan tours.
May 2009, they did a tour with GRAVE MAKER in Japan and in June, they did the tour over the west coast in the United States for 2 weeks and performing at RAIN FEST '09. March 2010 they will tour to South East Asia. They will be releasing their 6 songs CD called 揂ctions? from their own label 'GRANDSIDE' Records in spring 2010. The sounds that they have are strained feelings, emotional, high energized,with lots of sing-alongs and breakdowns, straight and modern hardcore.
Band : Give Life
Hometown : Japan
Genre : Hardcore/Punk
Website : www.myspace.com/givelifejp

SURRENDER formed in mid 2008 after 5 best friends decided to share there love for heavy music and excessive partying with a wider audience.
A furious gig schedule and chaotic live performances saw SURRENDER quickly make a name for themselves on the west coast, playing with some of Australia’s best local and national acts such as; Behind Crimson Eyes, Elora Danan, Break Even, City Escape and House VS Hurricane.
In 2009 they released there first self titled 4 track CD to wide acclaim and airplay on both local and national radio. With only limited distribution it is now on the verge of selling out as writing begins for a much anticipated EP release set for late 2010.
With an ever growing fan base and a dedication to hard work and musical integrity SURRENDER are bringing there love for music, fun and good times to the masses and are ready to destroy a town near you.
Band : Surrender
Hometown : Perth, Australia
Genre : Hardcore/Punk
Website : www.myspace.com/surrender