Fc Five breaks up
Official Statement
Fc Fiveは2012年に行うツアーをもって解散し、メンバーそれぞれが新しい道で闘っていく事を決めました。今まで以上に成長する為に考え抜いた末の決断です。
2000年に結成して以来12年、全力で駆け抜けてきました。数百回のステージと数千の対バン。数えきれないフライトと気の遠くなる程のドライブ。最高の仲間達の最高の笑顔。このFc Fiveというバンドを通して素晴らしい体験をし、素晴らしい仲間達に出会う事が出来ました。それらは決して心から消える事の無い、まさに人生そのものです。
来年ベストアルバムをリリースし、最後のツアーを行います。Fc Fiveとして4人で活動出来る残りの月日を考えると寂しい気持ちで一杯ですが、最後の最後まで全力でぶちかまします。会場でみんなに会える事を楽しみにしています。
FC Five has decided to call it a day after the final tour in 2012, we will part ways with each other to pursue new challenge in our lives. This was the decision we had to make after long and deep thoughts, in order for each of us to grow more than ever.
Since the formation of FC Five in 2000, we have devoted full of ourselves to run this monster.
Hundreds of stages and thousands of bands we shared stages.
Countless numbers of flights and excessive hours of driving.
The very best smiles of the very best friends.
Throughout 12 years, we have had amazing experiences as FC Five and enjoyed the opportunities to meet and make great friends. These everlasting memories are marked in our hears and truly our lives.
We are grateful to everyone involved with us who have helped us though times, to the Hardcore scene thoughout the world that passionately supported us, and lastly, to you our fans who have always welcomed us with open arms and warmful hearts.
We will release our greatest hits album and will have our final tour next year.
We are very sad to even think about the end of activities as FC Five, but until then, until the very end, we will crush with everything we have got. Sincerely look forward to the pleasure of seeing everyone of you at the venues,
Come To The End
There is no regret on a silly preface
It migth be distorted and get dirty
Can you see yourself as you are.
You just see the surface
It's not easy for you to wake the false
How many days did you waste uselessly
How many hopes did you give up easily
How many times did you wait for daybreak
It's not easy for you to wake the truth
Everytime I mistake, You hang me up everynight
Death comes quietly and without warning
Everything I hold on never leave me,back me off
Death comes. This is the end
Solitude comes in.
I can't be fullfilled.
This is the proof of the end.
16th Oct 2011
Fc Five